Architectural Communication Project
The project is based on the history of the granary building, which is now used as a campus of Central Saint martins College of Art and Design, UAL (University of the Arts London). The purpose of the project is to study the connection and the relation between Old and new of The Granary building: the building has long history, which used to be an industrial dynamo of the borough of Camden and St. Pancras area. the project aims to provide all students in the art college with the awareness of the historic, architectural importance of the building.
According to some researches, Stanton Williams Architects,which designs the new building, has deliberately and legally preserved some vestiges and clues of the old grain warehouse.hence lots of old and antique elements intentionally remained being assimilated and juxtaposed on the same timeline.
The project targets the same view. In order to convey knowledge and emotion of the building, a couple of methods were used.One of them is photography and illustration of the old building and the other is using voice interviews files belonging to theCamden Local Studies and Archives Centre.
According to some researches, Stanton Williams Architects,which designs the new building, has deliberately and legally preserved some vestiges and clues of the old grain warehouse.hence lots of old and antique elements intentionally remained being assimilated and juxtaposed on the same timeline.
The project targets the same view. In order to convey knowledge and emotion of the building, a couple of methods were used.One of them is photography and illustration of the old building and the other is using voice interviews files belonging to theCamden Local Studies and Archives Centre.

Installation on The Street, The Granary Building, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (UAL)
Old & New
19C and 21C, are juxtaposed in the same space and make a narrative. While the film is being projected, an audience is able to listen to the King's Cross Voices, which are recorded testimonies by residents who used to live or still live in this area. The sound and visuals are mixed up with the voices and chronologically reconstruct the circumstance in history from 1881 to the present. The moment that people come in and come out of the door creates a rendezvous between the past and the present.
A butterfly is a medium that bridge the past into the present. It comes out of the past through the door and flying in the present space.
19C and 21C, are juxtaposed in the same space and make a narrative. While the film is being projected, an audience is able to listen to the King's Cross Voices, which are recorded testimonies by residents who used to live or still live in this area. The sound and visuals are mixed up with the voices and chronologically reconstruct the circumstance in history from 1881 to the present. The moment that people come in and come out of the door creates a rendezvous between the past and the present.
A butterfly is a medium that bridge the past into the present. It comes out of the past through the door and flying in the present space.

Lewis Cubitt (Archtect, 1799-1883)
A door of the 19th century, which is in the library, is openedright next to the 21th century’s. The door frames subtle imagesand motions with live sounds to take you into the history of thebuilding. The number of year chronologically increases inaccordance with significant historical events.
A door of the 19th century, which is in the library, is openedright next to the 21th century’s. The door frames subtle imagesand motions with live sounds to take you into the history of thebuilding. The number of year chronologically increases inaccordance with significant historical events.

The Door at the library in The Granary building (Photo by Stanton Williams Architects)

Research Materials & The Door in the library

Numbers remained & vestiges
Historical Background
The imposing grade II listed granary building, built in1851 by Lewis Cubitt, the architect behind King’s Cross station,and adjoining 19th-century transit sheds, were used to transport commodities and grain from the wheat fields of Lincolnshire to London’s bakers, and coal from the north east of England. remnants of the original loading platforms, wagon turntables and tracks still remain. hoists lifted sacks from the railway wagons into canal boats docked beneath, while horses were stabled beneath the railway sheds.
These vertical connections, so important for the functioning of its original purpose, are reflected in the design of the new building. new light wells, drawing light deep into the core of the building, reinforce the original vertical links, while new glazed
roof lights will display the original hoists. Scenic glass lifts will transport people, rather than grain, to the higher floors. The stables will find a new use as bicycle stores for students and staff.horizontal connections have also been carefully developed to maximise student interaction, ease circulation while respecting the historic fabric.
The canal basin in front of the building, long since filled in, forms part of the new Granary Square leading down to the canal. Designed by Townsend Landscape Architects, it will feature hundreds of fountains and is defined at its eastern edge by a contemporary two-storey glass cafe pavilion designed by Stanton Williams Architect to add life and interest to the new public space.
The imposing grade II listed granary building, built in1851 by Lewis Cubitt, the architect behind King’s Cross station,and adjoining 19th-century transit sheds, were used to transport commodities and grain from the wheat fields of Lincolnshire to London’s bakers, and coal from the north east of England. remnants of the original loading platforms, wagon turntables and tracks still remain. hoists lifted sacks from the railway wagons into canal boats docked beneath, while horses were stabled beneath the railway sheds.
These vertical connections, so important for the functioning of its original purpose, are reflected in the design of the new building. new light wells, drawing light deep into the core of the building, reinforce the original vertical links, while new glazed
roof lights will display the original hoists. Scenic glass lifts will transport people, rather than grain, to the higher floors. The stables will find a new use as bicycle stores for students and staff.horizontal connections have also been carefully developed to maximise student interaction, ease circulation while respecting the historic fabric.
The canal basin in front of the building, long since filled in, forms part of the new Granary Square leading down to the canal. Designed by Townsend Landscape Architects, it will feature hundreds of fountains and is defined at its eastern edge by a contemporary two-storey glass cafe pavilion designed by Stanton Williams Architect to add life and interest to the new public space.

The Granary (1851, Camden Local Studies and Archive Centre)

Index Cards at Camden Local Studies and Archive Centre
The Granary (2011), Central Saint Martins Campus
King’s Cross Voices
10 digital voice interviews recorded by 5 residents, who lived or stilllive in the area, have been extracted. The voices lively testify theold and new scenes of The Granary and King’s Cross area
10 digital voice interviews recorded by 5 residents, who lived or stilllive in the area, have been extracted. The voices lively testify theold and new scenes of The Granary and King’s Cross area

Descriptive materials of the building & King's Cross Voices

King's Cross Voices Section
King's Cross Voices by Camden Local Studies and Archive Centre. All rights reserved.
1. Del Brenner - Detail of The Granary Basin
2. Del Brenner - The Granary Basin
3. Del Brenner - The Regent's Canal and The Granary
4. Del Brenner - The Regent's Canal
5. Helen - Description of the Regent's Canal and Kings Cross
6. Michael Edwards - The Owner of The Granary
7. Michael Parkes - King's Cross Development and The Ganary
8. Nicholas Falk - CSM and Development
9. Richard Aumonier - Art School CSM
10. Richard Aumonier - Prostitution at King's Cross Area